Ahhh soulmates… we all want and love them, but what happens when they get complicated, fall apart, or don’t seem to come together in the ways we want? Admittedly, the soulmate concept has been widely misunderstood and misrepresented by many. This leaves people feeling angry, hurt, confused and desperate.

Let’s change that, shall we?

So let me ask you:

Are you stuck on a soulmate?
Are you confused as to why you can’t seem to move on from an intense connection or relationship?
Have you always known there’s more to relationships but can’t seem to put your finger on it?
Are you scared you’ll never experience that type of chemistry again in this lifetime?
Do you want to learn more about karma in romantic relationships?
Are you ready to gain clarity around the whole soulmate thing?

Well… you’ve made it to the right place!

There really is something magical about soulmate experiences.

They’re beautiful, healing, life changing, intense, cosmic… and sometimes they’re downright messy, confusing, and heartbreaking.

No, you’re not making it up. Soulmates are very real, and it’s not just you. Right now, you might just have part of the picture - that feeling you can’t quite put your finger on but is definitely there. I’m going to show you the world of energetic information that lives underneath that feeling.

In this masterclass, I’m going to demystify the soulmate experience.

Believe it or not, I was that chick who:

  • Could not move on from a soulmate if my life depended on it.

  • Resisted other relationships entering my life.

  • Was obsessed with the “outcome” of the soulmate relationship.

  • Didn’t think it was possible for anyone better to exist on planet Earth.

  • Waited for years and years… and years for my soulmate to come around and finally “choose” me.

  • Was frustrated that everyone I dated seemed to pale in comparison to that soulmate.

  • Felt stuck and overwhelmed by the shared karma.

Sound familiar?

After years of navigating multiple heavily karmic soulmate relationships, I’ve decided to wrap all this wisdom in a neat package and deliver it to you. Healing through soulmate experiences isn’t always easy, but it’s absolutely doable.

I’ll be honest, karma really is a bitch when it comes to romantic partnership - but not in the way you might think…

It’s time to drop the soulmate struggle and step into empowered, expansive, soul-aligned growth.

I’m busting out all the tools, dropping major wisdom, and carving a clear path for you to navigate these intense soulmate connections with more grace and alignment.

So here’s what I cover in the class:

  • Unpacking the mechanics of karma (and the Akashic Records) - how it works, what it does, where it lives, and how to deal with it.

  • Discussing different types of energetic contracts and agreements.

  • Updating the karmic contract with your soulmate.

  • Talking about Divine Timing.

  • I give you my top 5 tips for dealing with soulmate relationships.

  • You’ll learn how to tease apart past life from present life experiences.

  • We unpack soulmate breakups and why they’re more intense.

  • Explore the cyclical nature of soulmates and why they have a tendency to keep coming back.

  • BONUS: I’ll share some tips for manifesting soulmates.

  • And SO. MUCH. MORE.

I CANNOT wait for you to get your hands on this, I am ready to support you in shifting the way you experience soulmates forever.

Are you ready?

This is for you if…

  1. You’re stuck on a soulmate and can’t seem to move on (but would like to).

  2. You want to learn more about karma and the Akashic Records in romantic relationships.

  3. You’re ready to shift out of soulmate scarcity and welcome in more healthy soulmate experiences.

  4. You’re dying to know more about navigating soulmate connections with ease and support.

  5. You’re tired of being consumed by a soulmate and would like more sovereignty in your experiences.

  6. You want tools to help you reframe and tease apart karma from present time reality.

  7. You want to hang out with me for a few hours of wild soulmate stories

This is not for you if…

  1. You want a confirmation to stay in abusive or harmful relationships because #karma.

  2. You want to be told that a soulmate is “the one.” (Spoiler: there’s no such thing as “the one.”)

  3. You want to spiritually bypass your healing work by blaming karmic connections.

Masterclass Details:

As this masterclass has already been held live, it’s ready and waiting for you! Once you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to the live lecture, meditations, and all the other goodies.


Q: Do I need to have a romantic soulmate for this material to apply?
A: Not necessarily. While I definitely created this for those who are struggling to move on from a romantic soulmate, much of this material can apply to general karmic relationships. Or maybe you’re just dying to learn more about these concepts! Either way, you’ll walk away with more wisdom, tools, and understanding.

This program is instant and forever access to all the material for your viewing pleasure, by purchasing, you agree there are no refunds. Upon purchase, you will receive two emails from hello@onyxhealing.com - one confirming your purchase, and one with the links to the lectures (make sure you check your spam folder in case you don’t see it!)

For any questions, or technical issues, email hello@onyxhealing.com

Soulmate Recovery
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**Disclaimer: of course I want to waive a magic wand and guarantee you a bunch of kick ass results since I believe in your infinite creative power! Sadly, I cannot guarantee any results since you’ve got free will and all. While I can give you the tools, you’re fully in charge of implementing them and are responsible for your results.

Anyway, enough of the boring legal stuff! Take responsibility for your ability to create fully and let’s freaking do this and have a great time!**